The Renaming of Earuthlish

This is an excerpt from the personal writings of church scholar Wilhem-ek-scriptor or Wilek Script, a regent scholar in the High Church of Yune. He was later put to death for heresy and was thought to be part of the secret Fundamentalist Faction within the church.

Because the race of men was supposedly created by Yune as his second children, men have, during the Age of Man (also the Age of Redemption), begun to make an argument that the common tongue, Earuthlish, should be named Yunelish. While the references to this change mainly happen within religious documents, and pushed by the High Church of Yune, it is not regularly discussed or considered by the common classes. Yes, those trying to curry favor with the church, such as merchants, community leaders, and the ruling class, may publicly support this renaming of the common tongue, there is no immediate desire by the vast number of those living under the umbrella of the church to actually accept this and use it in common vernacular. You won’t find a shop keeper in the middle or lower part of the capital city, posting signs that say “Only Yuneish Spoken Here”.

Still, this is not a trivial attempt by the church. It can be seen as another way to control the population, as a way to exert dominion during the Age of Redemption. Those that cling to the name of Earuthlish might be looked at as unworthy, or not accepting that the race of men need to be redeemed for them to return to the Yune’s grace. In addition to this push, church documents are written in what is termed “High Yuneish” which is a return to the angelic language. This can make it difficult for those outside of the church, not schooled in the evolution of Earuthlish from the angelic language, to interpret and engage with religious documents. Again, this creates a means of control, putting the church into the position of “official interpreter of Yune’s word”.

While it is unclear what the ultimate end game is with the High Church of Yune taking this stance on the name of the common tongue, scholars believe that it does not bode well and that the church’s strict and authoritarian control will only grow worse with such proclamations.